Express To Connect

Express To Connect

Don’t miss out on this expressive arts counseling program this spring!

This after school program is designed for Kindergarten through fourth grade. Starting April 9th your children will use art and movement to learn how to improve their ability to:

-Connect with themselves

-Connect with others

-Connect with the environment

Each week your child will learn how to build connection and community through fun play based activities. Activities are focused on increasing self regulation, body awareness, confidence, communication and collaboration. Your children will also learn to identify energy levels needed in different situations, how to better focus and so much more!

This is a great opportunity for your kids to learn more about themselves and their community! If you’d like to learn more click here.

*Additional dates available depending on demand!

Registration Information

  1. Complete the registration payment

  2. Sign consent forms and send them to

  3. Fill out your information in the form field to the right and click ‘sign me up!’

  4. If you have additional questions email Aparna Bhaskaran